Wednesday, October 28, 2009

80 people dead after car bomb in Pakistan

voanews, latimes, bernama

On Wednesday in Pakistan a car bomb ripped right through a busy market street leaving 80 people dead. This is one of the deadliest incidents in Pakistan for a long time. This happened while Hilary was touring. Pakistan is in a war with the Taliban militants along the Afghan boarder. The U.S is on the side of the Pakistan's and support them to fight off the Taliban's then the bomb ripped through a busy market area in the afternoon.

My opinion is that it is sad that some lunatic would think about setting off a bomb to kill 80 innocent people and leaving over 200 people injured. You may be in a war but that's no excuse to move to the city and kill all those people. A war to me is meant to be out in the middle of nowhere where anybody who is not in the military can't be harmed. In this case, nearly 300 people were harmed and that is unacceptable. Take out to the country and fight there, things will go better out there and there wouldn't be all of these bombing in cities. This situation saddens me deeply and I hope the situation improves in Pakistan and hope the families can identify their loved ones.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Runaway Balloon case

nytimes, post, chieftain
The Heene family from Fort Collins wanted attention in a hoax saying a their six year old son was in a balloon hurtling across the sky. It so happens to be that the boy was home the whole time. The family wanted to get famous to have their own t.v. reality show, but instead face charges for a fraud and are expected to surrender. They got every one's attention saying that their six year old boy had climbed into a silver flying saucer that Mr. Heene had built in their back yard. After they went searching for the boy they discovered that he had been home the whole time.
It's sad that someone just to get attention for their own t.v. show would do a hoax like that. If they were smart, they would have done something else. Why would you say your kid is in a flying saucer when you have evidence of where it sat in your backyard. I would not risk something like that, especially if the kid was in the balloon he would've died. People do very dumb things just to get people's attention so they can be one of a million famous people on this planet, but instead, they end up facing charges and will probably end up being in jail when the case is over. It was not a good decision on their part to try to pull a stunt like that.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jets Dolphins Game

news lalate, inentertainment, barcelonareporter

The New York Jets and the Miami Dolphins happened to be a thriller with the Dolphins getting a last second victory with running back Ronnie Brown running it two yards from the wildcat formation with the snap to him and scoring to beat the Jets 31-27. Both teams were going back and forth late in the game and the Dolphins had the ball with just barely enough time to score. The Dolpins improve to 2-3 while the jets fall to 3-2 tied with the Patriots.

I think it was a great game and it was huge that the dolphins won because it keeps their hopes alive for the playoffs. 1-4 in the division with the Patriots is not good at all because things seem hopeless then. The Jets need to not think about the loss and move on. The Dolphins finally showed me a glimpse of last years team. It was a offensive game as expected and the team with the ball last won. They played football the way it should be played, with lots of exciting plays.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Robert Howard Bruce arrest

pueblo chieftain, Denver channel, chieftain

Robert Howard Bruce was arrested on Tuesday after an attempt to murder police officer, Nathan Pruce by blowing his home up. Two years ago Bruce was arrested for being a peeping tom when neighbors saw him trespassing. After a little chase, Pruce arrested him saying he had a pipe with the possession of marijuana. Bruce had a propane tank in the garage of the officer in a position for it to blow up. They found the stuff and immediately went searching for Bruce who failed to appear to his court sentence on Tuesday. They found him in the K-Mart parking lot and were surprised that he didn't go to New Mexico since he has connections down there.
I am mad at Bruce because he tried to kill a cop that arrested him on possession of marijuana and peeping tom on a lady with other sexual charges. It's sad that anyone would attempt to kill somebody because they are mad about what happened between them. His plan to blow up his house was too long because it had been there for a while but had not blown up yet. The violence of the world is getting worse and starting to get out of control because of something silly like getting arrested. Bruce has got to learn that no matter what, you will get caught, but no matter what happens determines what happens for their punishment, and because Bruce went after a cop for revenge will cost him a little more time for attempted murder.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2 paragraphs on James Trafficant

Fox news, google, law
Former Ohio congressmen, James Trafficant was released from a Minnesota prison after 7 years in prison for bribery and racketeering. He felt he could have been hurt in prison when some unhappy prisoners heard that he thinks they should guard the Mexico boarder, but also stated that he spent his time in prison with a lot of good guys. Trafficant said that the government had to cheat to convict him. He is still the same guy he was before he went to prison and he has not decided if he will run for congressman or not.
My opinion is if he is truly innocent then why was he convicted and found guilty of charges in the first place? Seeing his interview on T.V., I would watch out if I was the government, because he is an angry beast that is looking to get back at the government and running for congressman may indeed help. He is very mad that he had to be in prison and is going out to prove that he is innocent. I personally think he should not take things in his own hands, because that will get him in more trouble and put him right back in prison. He just needs to settle down and not worry about the situation.