Monday, December 14, 2009

top 5 news stories

oracle, media, japan

5. Michael Jackson's death is my number 5 because he was a guy that no one really didn't like anymore and didn't trust him because of what he did to his kids. He was a guy that everyone hated and once he died, it was almost as if the world was going to end and how much people loved him and worshipped him after he was dead. He had lost his trust and then he is missed severely when he dies. That's ridiculous how everyone hates a guy until he is dead.

4. General motors bankruptcy is number 4 because why would motor companies struggle. The companies make so many fancy cars and the prices are only for the rich and no one can afford to buy those nice cars because of the economic crisis. The people of the world are not buying cars like they used to and it's hurting the dealers and has forced a lot of them to shut down. The car industry will struggle making money on the cars they make because people don't get cars anymore and if all you are is sell cars you probably won't make financially. They need to start to make less cars and less expensive cars for people to start buying them again.

3. Barack Obama inauguration is number 3 because he became the first black president in U.S history. He went in the office and it didn't take long for him to get busy and start making changes like he promised. He is a man who will go out and get supporters to get rich and famous to get in and that's what happened and people didn't seem to care about his skin color. It was an important day and I hear the speech or prayer had lots of peoples attention and was criticized as well. Obama handled the inauguration the way it should be handled and it made history in the U.S.

2. The incoming of Windows 7, the newest version of windows computers which is a lot faster and is more efficient than windows vista. Windows 7 is a version of vista but will perform a little bit faster and will have more space to store stuff and is more efficient to download things on and off the computer. The laptop version has more connections to put things on like a SD card and other down loadable items. This computer is not very famous and advertised but its out there waiting to be enjoyed.

1. The world wide crisis of the Swine Flu is number 1 because of what it did world wide. This is one of the worst sicknesses to hit that could approach you like you had the flu but it was a little different and it killed people world wide even in the U.S. It was a crisis that started last May and during the fall it hit areas so bad they had to close school for at least a weak to get people healthy. This is a virus that once you have a fever people take you to the doctor as a precaution to check for the swine flu which is also called the H1N1 virus. This virus has taken at least 1 person in every continent and it scared people when it hit the U.S. People thought that they were doomed to get it and if you got it you were down and out for a couple of weeks. That's all of my top 5 stories of the year and hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger Woods in a car accident

Orlando Sentinel, dead spin, ESPN

World famous golfer Tiger Woods was leaving his mansion around 2:30 Friday morning when he crashed his Cadillac escalade into a tree and a fire hydrant. Officials say there is no alcohol involved and no pain pills, but will have a fine of $164 for reckless driving because he wrecked on the street. His wife heard him crash and saw that he was hurt and she grabbed one of his golf clubs and broke out the back windshield and pulled him out of the car. He was lying in the street drifting in and out of consciousness and had blood in his mouth. He had surgery to repair injuries on his face and now he his at home and will not make the golf tourney this weekend.

My opinion to Tiger Woods is where in the world were you going at that hour in the morning. Another thing is if he is going out early get some sleep because I think he wrecked because he was tired. It's sad to me that such a minor wreck he was injured that bad and wasn't even conscious. Get some sleep Tiger and get some rest and drive safely from now on. You feel sorry that he was in a wreck but at the same time you're tired about hearing that he was in a wreck. What about his wife though? She was courageous and went out there and knew that he was hurt and broke him out of his vehicle and now is a secret hero, but a lot of people recognize her efforts in helping her husband which shows how strong their relationship is.