Thursday, September 24, 2009

2 Paragraphs on Al Qaeda suspect in Denver

Najibullah Zazi, from Denver, Co, who worked at Denver's Airport as a shuttle driver was arrested for suspicion of being an Al Qaeda member. He did admit that he was a member of Al Qaeda. Authorities say they found directions to make bombs on his computer. He did link to the apartment raid in New York. Zazi and his father are being accused of lying to the FBI, so they could make the bombs for terrorism. Zazi knew he was being watched after his car disappeared after a private phone conversation he had with Afzali.
My opinion is nice try to Zazi, but he has got to understand that no matter what you do you will be caught. He was planning terrorism and someone suspected that and next thing you know, you have the police and the FBI involved to investigate, and they search everything. He had bomb-making directions on his hard drive on his laptop, but the police and FBI will search every possession you have to try to have enough evidence to convict you of your suspicion, which they found the bomb making directions and were convinced. I think no matter how sneaky you are, you will be caught, and that's the case with Zazi.
voanews, washington post, industry.bnet

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

2 paragraphs on afghanistan war

Believe it or not, but the Afghanistan war seems to be heating up. The U.S. is still looking for Osma Bin Ladden, but has found no success. The war just seems like it's a search for Bin Ladden, but it's not. The allies of the U.S. are feeling the pain too as many soldiers have fallen in their twenty's from other countries like the British, Germany, and other countries. Nearly a thousand soldiers have died from the U.S. and 214 from the British, but Canada has suffered greatly as well.
The funerals of the soldiers have had major impact on the people, and the country that contributes the most and has lost many is Denmark. Overall, 14 countries have lost soldiers. Canada has lost 130 soldiers since 2002, and appears to be the worst since the Korean war. Overall, there are over 100 thousand soldiers serving in the war. Right now as things are heating up U.S. president Barak Obama is thinking about sending more troops over to fight this bloody war.
washington wire, associated press, nytimes

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2 Paragraphs to joe wilson outburst

Joe Wilson shouted to President Obama saying, "you lie", when Obama said that the health care plan would not cover the illegal immigrants in this country. Wilson says that he did not plan the outburst, but people said that his twitter page had some comments that suggested that the outburst was planned. Wilson just simply had an outburst when Obama said the illegal immigrants would not be covered.
Rep. Joe Wilson called the house after the meeting to apologize to Obama for his outburst, and other people want him to apologize, but he says one apology is enough. He thinks that Obama will cover for the illegal immigrants that violate laws to come over anyways, but he thinks immigrants should be covered as well, but if they are legally living in America and are U.S citizens. Wilson just got angry and he feels bad that he did that at the house. It is against the law to call the pres. a liar at the house, so Wilson's punishment will be further discussed.

Thursday, September 10, 2009