Wednesday, September 16, 2009

2 paragraphs on afghanistan war

Believe it or not, but the Afghanistan war seems to be heating up. The U.S. is still looking for Osma Bin Ladden, but has found no success. The war just seems like it's a search for Bin Ladden, but it's not. The allies of the U.S. are feeling the pain too as many soldiers have fallen in their twenty's from other countries like the British, Germany, and other countries. Nearly a thousand soldiers have died from the U.S. and 214 from the British, but Canada has suffered greatly as well.
The funerals of the soldiers have had major impact on the people, and the country that contributes the most and has lost many is Denmark. Overall, 14 countries have lost soldiers. Canada has lost 130 soldiers since 2002, and appears to be the worst since the Korean war. Overall, there are over 100 thousand soldiers serving in the war. Right now as things are heating up U.S. president Barak Obama is thinking about sending more troops over to fight this bloody war.

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